The energy and building management sector has experienced recent consolidations, showing a sign of market maturity. The sector still lags behind others in terms of consolidation rate, however. reports, “There are dozens, if not hundreds, of software firms offering energy and operational efficiency solutions to enterprises. The volume of firms and complexity of offerings might delay consolidation itself; even potential acquirers could have trouble determining which firms to purchase.”
The volume and complexity has not stopped some firms from acquiring others in the space. Just last month, energy intelligence software and service provider EnerNOC announced it will be acquired by the Enel Group, a multinational power utility operator, for $7.67 per share, valuing EnerNOC at more than $300 million. Enel also acquired Demand Energy Networks earlier this year.
In December, Earth Networks, an environmental technology company, acquired Whisker Labs, a sensor and software technology company. And in January, Schneider Electric acquired Renewable Choice Energy, a company that helps businesses transition to renewable energy.