Purina Flips Switch On Solar Array


purina_logoNestle Purina has unveiled a solar energy array at its Denver plant. The 467-panel photovoltaic system covers approximately 21,000 square feet on the facility's roof.  The 100-kilowatt system is the state’s largest privately owned solar array and will provide about one percent of the plant’s electricity needs.

Nestle owns the array, which was installed by REC Solar. Xcel energy is providing a $2 per watt rebate for the array and 11.5 cents per kilowatt hour for energy produced.

During the past 5 years, the plant has reduced its energy use by 12.4% per ton of product produced by implementing projects such as installing a new energy efficient boiler, upgrading to higher efficiency lighting throughout the plant and improving compressed air and steam systems.

Environment + Energy Leader