Princeton Power Systems is providing technologies at the heart of energy storage projects in a group of New York City buildings owned by Glenwood.
Recently, Glenwood, which builds and owns luxury rental property in Manhattan, contracted with EnerSys and Demand Energy to install 1 MW of energy storage in nine buildings throughout New York City. The project will create a networked energy storage portfolio behind the customer meter, which will be able to manage individual building real-time loads and also respond to calls to cut electric use by Consolidated Edison or the New York Independent System Operator.
The Demand Energy designed storage systems will use Princeton Power Systems’ GTIB-100 bi-directional converters, which were designed for advanced batteries, solar, on-grid and off-grid applications. The converters will link the batteries to the grid and manage power flow as an integral part of the Power Conversion System architected by Demand Energy.
The deployment of these systems by the EnerSys and Demand Energy team are part of New York's Reforming the Energy Vision initiative.