PPG Falling Short of Global Energy Intensity Reduction Goal


While PPG has been able to reduce its absolute global energy used 18 percent since 2006, the company fell short of its 2009 goal to reduce energy intensity, or the amount of energy used per ton of product manufactured, according to its 2009 CSR Update (PDF).

According to the company's progressive, year-by-year goal for energy intensity, PPG had aimed for 8.61 million BTUs per ton of product produced. However, the manufacturer of coatings and other specialty products used 8.86 million BTUs per ton of product in 2009 (see image).

PPG was able to surpass its goal of generating 5.96 million metric tons of emissions or less. The company generated 5.56 million metric tons of CO2 in 2009, representing a 12.3 percent decrease since 2006.

PPG says some of the reduction in emissions is due to a cutback in production.

Regarding spills and environmental releases, PPG has a five-year target of reducing spills per 1,000 employees by 10 percent each year. In 2008, that ratio stood at 3.2 spills per 1,000 employees.

In 2009, PPG had 2.6 spills per 1,000 employees, which was below its target. By 2013, the firm aims for 1.9 spills per 1,000 employees.

As for wastewater treatment, PPG designed and installed a wasterwater treatment plant at its Santiago, Chile, facility. A similar effort was launched at a Zibo, China, fiberglass plant.

Last year, the global supplier of paints, coatings, chemicals, optical products, specialty materials, glass and fiber glass reduced nitrogen dioxide emissions by 5 percent and particulate emissions by 6 percent.

To view the firm's 2008 CSR report, click here (PDF).

Environment + Energy Leader