Poznan Delegates Urged to Use Climate Savers, Power Down for the Planet


poznancomputers.jpgDelegates to the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Poznan were urged to “walk the talk” by conserving energy use on their personal laptop and conference-provided desktop computers. Globe shaped cards handed out in Poland offered power management tips to hundreds of international climate change advocates who were blogging and e-mailing back home.

powerdown.jpgThe cards encouraged computer users in Poland to activate the sleep function on their computers and go to www.climatesaverscomputing.org to find out how to do more to save power and take a Climate Savers pledge.

Started by Google and Intel in 2007, the Climate Savers Computing Initiative is a nonprofit group of eco-conscious consumers, businesses and conservation organizations. Its mission is to, by 2010, reduce global CO2 emissions from the operation of computers by 54 million tons per year -- equivalent to the annual output of 11 million cars or 10 to 20 coal-fired power plants.

Kevin Tuerff, CEO, Green Canary Sustainability Consulting, is reporting for Environmental Leader from Poznan, Poland.  

Environment + Energy Leader