General Electric will commission a reverse osmosis (RO) mobile water filtration system at the Golden Valley Electric Association (GVEA) coal-fired power plant in Healy, Alaska. The GE system will provide the plant with clean water during a planned outage to upgrade the plant’s water treatment system and environmental controls and facilitate the start up of Unit 2.
The total power output of the facility once Unit 2 is online will be 80 MW. The two-unit station is located approximately 300 miles south of the Arctic Circle.
The GVEA Healy plant will require GE’s mobile water filtration system for approximately 90 days while work is being completed.
The mobile water treatment system includes a state-of-the-art trailer containing various filter vessels and a 100 gallon-per-minute RO unit. The product water from the RO system will be further purified by ion-exchange tanks to attain the quality necessary for boiler feedwater at the plant.
To minimize replacement of the ion-exchange tanks, the RO system was upgraded to include an internal product water recycling system.
Covanta’s Delaware Valley energy-from-waste facility in Chester, Pennsylvania, saved 1.3 million gallons a day from local water supplies after installing GE’s RePAK water reuse technology in the power plant’s cooling tower.