Police Cruiser Idling System Saves $3K Per Vehicle


header_02A new power management system that allows police cruisers to have full electrical capability without running the engine could save more than $3,000 a year per vehicle.

The Independence Package from Energy Xtreme was tested for a month on some Dallas Police Department patrol vehicles.

The system is designed to run the entire electrical system, from lights, radio, laptop and camera, for up to four hours when a patrol car is stopped and the engine is not running, according to a press release.

In tests, the Dallas Police Department used the Independence Package for 4.85 hours per day over a 30-day period.

Assuming 300 work days per year, a gas price of $3.26 per gallon and 0.75 gallons of gas burned per hour while the vehicle idles, the department would save $11.86 a day in fuel costs and $3,131 per year per vehicle.

Using the system, which is installed in the trunk, helps eliminate more than 70 pounds of CO2 emissions per vehicle per day, according to Energy Xtreme. The system recharges while the car is being driven and can provide emergency ignition power when the regular battery fails.

Environment + Energy Leader