Pelosi Won't Move Cap-and-Trade Bill Until Congress Is Ready


pelosi.jpgHouse speaker Nancy Pelosi recently said that although she has sufficient backing in the Democratic-controlled House to move a cap-and-trade bill, she will not force the issue in the 111th Congress, Wall Street Journal reports.

Pelosi said she is not sure if Congress will be ready and that “We won't go before we're ready.” That's a contrast from a recent statement where she said, “We need action, and we need action now.”

Pelosi's cautious words have caused a stir among environmental campaigners and conservatives. On the one side environmentalists are worried that aggressive climate change action will fall by the wayside. As for conservatives, they are scoffing at Pelosi's turnaround on the urgency of tackling climate change.

Nasa Scientist Prof. James Hansen recently offered Obama three policy measures to tackle climate change.

Environment + Energy Leader