Passive Harmonic Filters Protect Motors, Pumps, Fans


EcosineSchaffner EMC’s new ECOSine 60 Hz Passive Harmonic Filters remove harmful harmonics from power supplies.

Harmonics are generated by nonlinear components in electrical systems, which distort the sine wave. Increasing usage of power electronics causes a corresponding increase in voltage distortion, or harmonics. Common electrical components like motors, pumps, fans, automation equipment, DC fast chargers, equipment with front-end six-pulse rectifiers, and more, all introduce harmonics into the electrical system. When harmonics are present they can cause failures or malfunctions of electrical devices. Harmonics also cause a temperature rise in the electrical network and in equipment, resulting in losses and shorter service life.

Passive harmonic filters, when tuned to the offending harmonic order, correct the sine wave, before the harmonics can cause any damage to the electrical system or equipment.

Schaffner says its passive harmonic filters are ideal for use in industrial settings with non-linear loads such as motor drives (nominally 5 HP to 500 HP). Passive harmonic filters can improve productivity by eliminating harmonic-related downtime in varied industrial applications such as manufacturing, water/wastewater treatment and factory automation.

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