Panasonic Ties Managers' Compensation to CO2 Emission Targets


compensation.jpgPanasonic Corp. is now tying managers' compensation to the company's internal emissions targets. If plants don't meet those targets, managers will see their pay slashed, AP reports (via the Japan Times).

Panasonic isn't the only company doing this - Microsoft uses employee incentives to improve the energy efficiency of its data centers. DuPont also has in place several programs to encourage and support its business units to implement energy efficiency goals.

Akira Nakamura, Panasonic group manager, told AP that the company's new “environmental performance system” is applied at almost 300 of the company's manufacturing sites around the world. In addition to using sales and costs for evaluating management, carbon dioxide is now also included as a key standard. The move will also extend to worker's bonuses.

The system began in April and is part of Panasonic's plan to cut its global CO2 emissions by 300,000 tons over the next three years.

In November, the company was eyeing to take over Sanyo Electric for Sanyo's green-energy technologies. However, the Daily Mail reported that the attempt was thwarted when Goldman Sachs rejected the company's 120-yen-a-share offer.

Environment + Energy Leader