OriginOil Launches Standalone Frack Water Treatment


Clean-Frac PrimeOriginOil, developer of Electro Water Separation (EWS), the high-speed, primarily chemical-free process to clean up large quantities of water, has launched Clean-Frac Prime, a standalone product designed to provide core water treatment for frac flowback and produced water applications in the oil and gas industry.

Clean-Frac Prime removes up to 99.9 percent of all free and emulsified oil, and 99.5 percent of suspended solids from oil and gas wastewater, while also removing certain dissolved contaminants that will co-precipitate, and continuously disinfecting bacteria, the company says.

Available in capacities of 250, 1000 and 5000 barrels per day and beyond, Clean-Frac Prime bundles OriginOil’s core EWS technology with “heavies” removal on the front end, intelligent controls, and a final post-polishing system, all in a single product. (See diagram.)

Clean-Frac Prime is a precursor to downstream processes that remove other contaminants, such as scaling or cross-linking chemicals that inhibit hydraulic fracking effectiveness. Downstream technologies are provided by design partners including Tri-Sep and Dow Chemical.


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