Organic cotton supplies in 2008 rose as global organic cotton production outpaced demand. Merchants, spinner and integrated mills also held more fiber inventories, according to Organic Exchange, Ecotextile News reports.
Brands continued to expand their organic programs in 2008, and demand for organic cotton fiber increased 33 percent or about 77,000 metric tons compared with the previous year, noted Organic Exchange.
But there is concern that inventories are still too high and could grow in 2009. This may place pressure on the price farmers get for their organic cotton.
About 8 percent or about 12,000 metric tons of total 2007/08 organic cotton production remained at the end of the growing season in ending stocks.
Many brands plan to expand their organic cotton offerings in 2009 and demand for organic fiber is expected to increase 24 percent or to about 96,000 metric tons in 2009.
This year's NFL Championship Tees were made from 100 percent organic cotton.