Oregon Ag Firm Adopts Biogas Generation


index_farmA biogas unit will generate twice as much electricity as is needed to run the operations at Stahlbush Island Farms in Oregon.

The $10 million plant, which operates on fruit and vegetable waste, will generate enough electricity to supply the equivalent of 1,100 homes. Construction of the biogas project took about 14 months, according to a press release.

In the biogas plant, fruit and vegetable waste in an anaerobic mixing tanks will produce biogas, which will be used in a co-generation system to produce thermal and electrical energy at the same time.

Incentives for the project came from Energy Trust of Oregon, along with the state of Oregon State and federal funds.

For 25 years, the 5,000-acre Stahlbush Island Farms has engaged in sustainable farming and food processing. The biogas project is discussed on the farm's blog.

Another produce grower, Gills Onions, has added a biogas plant that converts methane from onion waste to electricity.

Environment + Energy Leader