Oracle Makes Green Upgrade to Transportation Solution, Shippers Want Efficiency


One of the major upgrades to Oracle's latest release of its Transportation Management solution is its "Green Dashboard", which will incorporate the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's SmartWay emission factors for measuring and monitoring green metrics in the freight sector. For shippers, improving efficiency is the most important motivating factor for upgrading or purchasing supply chain IT/technology, according to a new report.

Designed to help shippers and logistic service providers lower transportation costs, improve efficiencies and reduce their environmental impact, Oracle Transportation Management 6.1 solution offers expanded capabilities in five areas: sourcing, planning, execution, financial settlement and visibility across all modes of transportation.

As an example, Oracle Fleet Management now includes capabilities that help reduce transportation costs and improve equipment utilization by enhancing the planning and optimization engine for solving complex fleet planning scenarios.

Also, new business intelligence capabilities and additional dashboard reports will help drive process efficiency and measure and monitor green metrics such as CO2 (carbon dioxide) emissions, NOX (oxides of nitrogen) emissions and total fuel consumption, says Oracle.

Improving efficiency is the most important motivating factor for shippers when deciding to upgrade or purchase supply chain IT/technology, according to a new report from eyefortransport.

Ninety-three percent of shippers surveyed for the "Logistics Technology Report 2010" (registration required) said improving efficiency is the most important factor for purchasing supply chain IT/technology; followed by reducing costs said 60 percent of respondents.

Forty-seven percent of shippers expect to increase their IT investments, while 20 percent said they expected to decrease their investments.

Similarly, 42 percent of transport logistics providers expected to increase their IT investment, 44 percent said they expected no change, and 14 percent said levels of investment will decrease.

The report findings will be the center of discussion at this year's Logistics CIO and Supply Chain Technology Forums, April 8-9 in Chicago and May 17-18 in Amsterdam.

Environment + Energy Leader