Online Tool Helps Truckers Plug In, Save Fuel


photo_red_truck_cabCorporations with their own delivery fleets can save fuel by having drivers take advantage of public truck stops that offer plug-ins so that engines don't have to run while parked.

The Mobile Truck Stop Electrification Locator is a new Web-based tool from the Department of Energy.

From a cell phone, Blackberry or other mobile device, truckers can find detailed driving directions and a phone connection to the electrification station. Click here for a map of locations.

The National Renewable Energy Laboratory, a division of the DOE, has identified an initial list of 130 truck stops with electrification systems.

Truck stop electrification equipment manufacturers, including CabAire, Shorepower, IdleAire and EnviroDock, are working with the government to identify new sites as they come into service, according to a press release.

The EPA estimates that each electrified truck stop can help save up to $3,240 per truck parking space per year.

Environment + Energy Leader