Online BOD Analyzer Provides Wastewater Treatment Plant Cost Savings


LARLAR Process Analysers’ BioMonitor is an online biochemical oxygen demand analyzer for the determination of the total biochemical oxygen demand that enables the optimal control of a wastewater treatement plant, the company says.

The analyzer determines the degradation of nitrogen as well as carbon compounds within minutes. The company says this characterizes a huge advantage against the regulated BOD5 measurement (carbonaceous-BOD), which needs five days. Using BioMonitor allows plant operators the right control of a plant, providing cost savings regarding blowers and/or nutrient dosage.

The analyzers’ functional principle is similar to a biological treatment plant. The wastewater to be tested is mixed with activated sludge and air and continuously passed through a mutli-stage measurement cascade. Upon exiting the cascade, the residual oxygen is measured with an oxygen sensor.



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