Oklahoma Natural Gas Requests Monthly C&I Rate Hike of $19


Oklahoma Natural Gas (ONG) filed a request on July 8 with the Oklahoma Corporation Commission (OCC) – the state’s public utility commission – for an increase in base rates that would raise the average monthly costs of its commercial and industrial customers by about $18.74,; while small transportation customers could see an extra $8.14 on their bills; and residential ratepayers, nearly $5.

The company, a division of Tulsa-based One Gas, announced that the higher charges reflect an upsurge in “system investments and operating costs necessary to maintain the safety and reliability of its natural gas distribution system.”

ONG said it has spent $155 million in capital expenditures since its performance review in 2014, according to News OK. About $44.5 million of that was to replace pipes that had deteriorated or corroded. Another $23.5 million was to relocate or replace pipes from highway, street or other government construction.

Oklahoma Natural Gas is the state's largest natural gas utility, serving more than 850,000 customers. Altogether, the company’s request, if approved, represents an increase of $50.4 million in base rates.

In accordance with state law, the OCC has 180 days to consider ONG's proposed rate changes.

One Gas provides natural gas distribution services to more than 2 million customers in Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas. One Gas is one of the largest publicly traded, 100 percent regulated, natural gas utilities in the United States.

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