The State of Oklahoma has launched 20%x2020, a statewide energy savings program that seeks to reduce energy use in state agency buildings by 20 percent by 2020.
The state says that 20%x2020 is the first program of its scope in any state government. It was conceived by state officials as a way to lower government utility costs in order to reduce overall state spending and free up resources for core government services.
20%x2020, which is part of Gov. Mary Fallin’s Oklahoma First Energy Plan, should reduce energy costs by at least $150 million by 2020, with additional cost reduction potential in subsequent years, using 2012 agency energy usage as a baseline. Establishing the specific 2012 baseline will be 20%x2020’s first task in partnership with state agencies.
Oklahoma State University used a similar program to reduce energy expenses at campuses statewide by more than $30 million since 2007.
Under 20%x2020, each agency will designate energy managers who will be trained to identify and implement behavior-based energy efficiency initiatives within their agencies.
An Oklahoma-based energy efficiency firm, ES2, will assist the state with development and administration of 20%x2020.
Oklahoma currently ranks as the 37th most energy efficient state according to American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy's State Energy Efficiency Scorecard. However, in the 2012 release of the Scorecard, the Sooner State was named as one of the three most improved states.