Oil Industry Memo Calls for Rallies Against Climate Bill


gasoline-fillupWhile individual members of the oil industry are divided on the best way to proceed with a U.S. climate bill, the industry at large is encouraging people to attend rallies in opposition of climate legislation.

Similar to the town hall protests that have created angry exchanges over health care legislation, the climate bill meetings would serve to encourage employees of energy companies to attend up to 22 public meetings on climate change, reports Financial Times.

Oil firms are divided on climate change. ExxonMobil warns that the U.S. climate bill could cost industry and consumers dearly. Shell, a member of the U.S. Climate Action Partnership, has said that tackling climate change is a "pro-growth" policy.

But the intention of the oil industry at large, specifically the American Petroleum Institute, became clear in a memo leaked to Greenpeace. The memo called for a series of protests.

The memo (download PDF copy), from Jack Gerard of API, states: "The measure of success for these events will be the diversity of the participants expressing the same message, as well as turnouts of several hundred attendees. In the 11 states with an industry core, our member company local leadership - including your facility manager's commitment to provide significant attendance - is essential to achieving the participation level that Senators cannot ignore. In addition, please include all vendors, suppliers, contractors, retirees and others who have an interest in our success."

Members of Greenpeace obtained a copy of the memo and leaked it to the press.

The rallies are intended to protest against "unsound energy policy" and the danger of higher energy costs for consumers. The rallies are being planned for the second half of August.

Environment + Energy Leader