Northeastern Aggregation Picks SourceOne to Help Procure Electricity


SourceOne, a subsidiary of Veolia Energy North America, has been selected to perform energy advisory services for SouthCoast Electric Power Group (SCEPG), an aggregation comprised of the cities of New Bedford, Mass., Fall River, Mass., and nearly 30 private companies in the area.

The scope of energy services provided by SourceOne will include development of pricing alternatives, contract negotiation with electricity suppliers, ongoing management of the supply relationship, and electricity market insight and forecasting. These services allow SCEPG members to have the information needed to make important electricity pricing decisions and to further reduce electricity costs.

The contract was awarded to SourceOne after a competitive public request for proposal for energy consultant services.

The SCEPG is comprised of over 800 separate accounts with an aggregate annual electricity load of roughly 150 million kWh, representing an estimated annual budget of approximately $10 million.  The SouthCoast Electric Power Group has been in existence since 2002 and uses the buying power of the group to give members negotiating power.

A recent Energy Manager Today webinar debunked some myths about energy purchasing and explained how different consultants and experts can help with the procurement process.

Environment + Energy Leader