Noesis Adds Another $25M of Lending Capacity


Energy Manage NoesisNoesis added a fifth lender to its syndicate of capital providers for its lending marketplace, which provides financing for energy-saving commercial building improvements.

With the addition of this lender’s $25 million the company can cover the majority of loan scenarios common to commercial real estate, including:

  • Project sizes from $10,000 to $4 million;
  • The full range of credit quality;
  • Sector coverage of property types, including CRE partnerships and REITS to owner-occupied, to municipal, hospitality and multi-family;
  • Broad coverage of technology and equipment types, including lighting, HVAC, building controls, domestic hot water, solar PV, solar hot water;
  • A full complement of loan structures, including operating leases, financing agreements, and energy savings agreements.

For 2015, all lenders in the Noesis marketplace must offer a minimum of $10 million in annual credit capacity.

In addition, Noesis announced some specialized financing products, including its Energy Performance Agreement, which is a vehicle designed for commercial energy efficiency projects such as LED lighting upgrades. The Energy Performance Agreement provides competitive equipment financing combined with annual savings performance reporting. The optional EPA Performance Incentive offers a rebate if savings targets are not realized.

In 2014, Noesis’ new Solar Performance Agreement delivered a leasing option for small to mid-sized commercial solar projects.

Environment + Energy Leader