New Renewable Biofuel Project Capable of Producing 1.6 Million Gasoline Gallon Equivalents Annually


(Credit: Pixabay)

Construction has begun on a dairy digester renewable natural gas (RNG) facility, called the Sunoma Renewable Biofuel Project. The new facility will produce 1.6 million gasoline gallon equivalents (GGE) of vehicle fuel annually for the Class 8 trucking sector — enough fuel to move 10 million miles of freight.

This project, headed by Fortistar, is designed to help businesses and public agencies reduce their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions with a solution that also saves money. TruStar Energy, a Fortistar portfolio company and developer of natural gas fueling stations, will market and deliver the RNG fuel.

Paloma Dairy said they saw a great environmental and economic opportunity in the management of its manure and emissions.

Montrose Water and Sustainability Services, a division of Montrose Environmental Group, completed design and engineering for the project as well as equipment procurement. Montrose’s subject matter experts will provide construction oversight, along with startup and commissioning support for the project. Industrial Services Company (ISC) will lead the building of the system.

This is an anaerobic digestion project that will offer long-term sustainability benefits to the farm and local community. The project will be interconnected with Southwest Gas Company who will also purchase the gas. The Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) credits will be sold to Chevron under a long-term agreement. Initial project development was performed by Black Bear Environmental Assets Advisors. Financing was provided by Live Oak Bank.

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