New Jersey Awards $2.9M for 13 Energy Storage Projects


The New Jersey Board of Public Utilities approved the state’s first energy storage incentive commitments totaling $2.9 million for 13 proposed projects that will install energy storage systems integrated with customer-sited renewable energy generating facilities.

The incentive commitments support the installation of renewable electric storage systems for the purpose of providing emergency back-up power for essential services, offsetting peak loads by shifting electricity to hours of higher demand and helping to stabilize the electric distribution system through the provision of frequency regulation services.

The 13 approved projects and the kW capacity of each project are as follows:

  1. Rice Elementary School, Marlton - 500
  2. Borough of Buena Municipal Utilities Authority - 750
  3. Cumberland County Utilities Authority - ?1,500
  4. Atlantic County Utilities Authority - 1,000
  5. Monmouth County Bayshore Outfall Authority - 500
  6. Franklin Township Board of Education - 500
  7. Toms River Municipal Utilities Authority - 250
  8. East Amwell School Board of Education - 500
  9. Lawrenceville School - 1,000
  10. Paramus High School - 250
  11. Jersey City Municipal Services Complex - 1,250
  12. Demasi Middle School, Marlton - 250
  13. Marlton Middle School - 500

Environment + Energy Leader