Nestlé Consumer Beverage Delivery Service Certified Carbon Neutral


ReadyFresh beverage delivery service (Photo: A Nestlé Waters North America ReadyRefresh electric vehicle. Credit: Nestlé)

Nestlé Waters North America’s ReadyRefresh consumer beverage delivery service earned carbon neutral certification for 2020 under Natural Capital Partners’ CarbonNeutral global standard, the company reported.

The ReadyRefresh direct-to-consumer service makes more than 7,000 deliveries each working hour, according to Nestlé. In order to achieve CarbonNeutral certification, ReadyRefresh followed the steps outlined by the Natural Capital Partners’ protocol: defining the subject, measuring its greenhouse gas emissions, setting the target, and reducing emissions.

Specifically, ReadyRefresh converted half of the beverage delivery trucks to propane this year and began adding electric vehicles to its last-mile fleet. The service optimized routes with dynamic routing, which cut 600,000 customer delivery miles in 2019, according to the company.

In addition, the beverage delivery service began shipping water dispensers from the West Coast to the East Coast by train for cleaning and redeployment rather than using trucks. All of the ReadyRefresh branches in Texas except for one now use renewable energy covered by a power purchase agreement that helps reduce emissions by 397 tons annually. Nestlé says that the service is looking at expanding the use of renewable energy this year to its 11 branches in Florida and Pennsylvania.

For the remaining emissions, ReadyRefresh collaborated with Natural Capital Partners on purchasing carbon offsets. The beverage delivery service plans to continue lowering absolute emissions through more carbon footprint reduction activities as well as projects on land that the company owns and manages.

Natural Capital Partners says that becoming carbon neutral enables businesses to increase revenue, reduce costs, engage stakeholders, and mitigate risks. Businesses that have been certified CarbonNeutral include Microsoft, Sky, Logitech, VMware, Eden, Elopak, and Fetzer Vineyards.

Environment + Energy Leader