Navy Ships Could Save 87% In Lighting Costs With Conversion


navy-ship2By converting to LED and HID lighting systems, Navy ships could save 87 percent of the electricity used on existing lighting systems, according to a new study on lighting retrofits funded through DARPA under the HEDLight (High Efficiency Distributed Lighting) program.

The savings would add up over the long-term.

When an aircraft carrier goes out on deployment, on average, every single one of its 18,000-some light bulbs will need to be replaced, according to Red Herring.

According to DARPA, HEDLight remote source lighting relies on centralized light generation, optically transporting the light where it's needed. The system allows the lighting system electrical circuitry and wiring to be concentrated, protected, and removed to the interior of the warship.

The highly efficient metal halide high intensity discharge (HID) and light emitting diode (LED) lights are coupled to large core plastic optical fiber and/ or linear acrylic rods for distribution ot the point of use.

Energy Focus Inc. is involved in a trial to outfit a destroyer with such a system.

The Navy is pursuing other energy efficiency measures, including a program to reduce the amount of fuel used during deployments.

During 2008, the Navy cut energy consumption 12 percent.

Environment + Energy Leader