Nations to be Graded on Ability of ICT to Cut Emissions


carbon-emissions-sunset2A new grading system will look at nations' information and communications technology (ICT) abilities as they relate to the ability to cut emissions.

The grading system, being launched by private firm IDC, will result in the ICT Sustainability Index, which will be released prior to the United Nations Climate Change Conference, Dec. 7-18, 2009, in Copenhagen.

In addition to population and gross domestic product data, the index correlates a country's energy profile with its ICT investment and spending patterns to help make climate change targets attainable, according to a press release.

"Countries need help to better understand where they should invest in ICT in order to meet any internal or international targets," said Vernon Turner, Senior Vice President of IDC's Enterprise Infrastructure, Consumer, and Telecom Research, in a statement.

The index, which is part of IDC's Green Initiative, has already been tested against data from G20 nations, which account for about 75 percent of the world's energy use.

Turner said the index can help nation's prioritize ICT investments in major sectors, such as manufacturing, transport, and housing, as part of their overall climate change strategy.

A climate change official at the United Nations said recently that without "strong" commitments to curb CO2 emissions, the upcoming climate talks will be a failure.

Environment + Energy Leader