Nat Geo Plans 80% Operational Emissions Cut by 2011


nat geo logoNational Geographic plans to cuts CO2 emissions from its operations 80 percent by the end of 2010, compared to a 2005 baseline.

That figure does not include emissions from paper and printing materials. The publisher aims to cut emissions in those sectors 10 percent by 2015, according to a press release.

The pledge comes as part of National Geographic's partnership with the World Wildlife Fund.

Collectively, WWF says that the efforts of its 22 partners will reduce emissions an estimated 50 million tons by 2010, which is about the same amount emitted by the nation of Switzerland.

A recent PDF report, “Green At Retail,” suggested how magazine publishers can streamline their distribution process and reduce paper use. Here are some of the tips:

  • Engage in order regulation. Review publication distribution line-by-line and compare results to similar titles. Reduce or remove distribution locations where your title is not selling and increase the number of copies where it is selling well.
  • Move to non-returnable distribution to reduce printing and shipping costs. The downside to this is that wholesalers may take fewer copies, which may affect ad sales potential.
  • Adjust frequency of publication. A monthly magazine may be able to be published 10 times annually and still be perceived by the audience as monthly.
  • If you print on recycled paper, communicate this on the cover so consumers will know.
  • Examine paper options. A good way to cut costs and reduce environmental impact at once.
  • Explore environmental promotions. As an example, the Green America Better Paper Project and Next Steps Marketing have instituted in-store promotions to build awareness of publications printed on recycled paper. Some retailers, including Barnes & Noble, Hastings and others offer premium space for magazines that print on recycled paper.

Environment + Energy Leader