MP2 Energy is rebranding as Shell Energy to provide integrated energy products to businesses from one supplier.
As Shell Energy the company says it can then tailor energy needs to each business it serves and those companies will benefit from direct access to Shell’s overall energy portfolio. Other Shell affiliates such as Shell Energy North America and Shell Energy Solutions are also part of the rebrand.
Shell Energy has a range of power, natural gas and renewable energy offerings to help businesses make energy use transitions, it says.
The company says electricity is the fastest growing piece of energy resources and is looking to generate it from renewable resources to reduce emissions and attempts to help businesses reach net zero emissions by 2050. Renewable energy sources, especially wind and solar, continue to grow in the US and the Department of Energy estimates solar could provide up to 50% of the country’s power by 2050.
Shell Energy offers natural gas generation, managing 9,500 megawatts of power. It also says it has 1.1 gigawatt solar power capacity and has four operating windfarms in the US, which includes 312 turbines, with two offshore farms in development.
Shell Energy is currently helping Visa power a call center in Virginia with 100% renewable energy. Shell Energy North America and MP2 previously signed a deal in 2020 to provide Wells Fargo with 150,000 megawatt hours of renewable electricity annually. The company is also is helping GM with a program that will provide customers in Texas with to expand access to renewable energy as well as teaming with San Diego as the city attempts to eliminate greenhouse gas emissions by 2035.
In addition to those renewable energy offerings, Shell Energy also provides electric vehicle charging and clean power for electrified fleets and charging systems as well as other energy products such as backup generation.
Only commercial businesses will see a change in the brand, according to the company. Businesses that currently use MP2 Energy and the other affiliates under the rebrand will not see a change in their agreements with the company, Shell Energy says.