Most Cell Phone Vendors Lack Scale To Green Phones


cell_phone.jpgWhile most mobile handset vendors feel pressure to create environmentally sound products, few manufactures – except those with the scale to do it economically- are motivated to produce lines of green phones, according to an ABI research report.

The report, “Mobile Handset Green Initiatives,” says that Samsung Nokia and Sony Ericsson are key players in green phones because they have the economic scale. The report says that “few vendors are working on the kind of scale that makes entire green product lines economically viable in their view.”

Although most mobile handset vendors have recycling programs, the report found that less than 5 percent of the annual worldwide volume of handsets shipped come back through recycling or ethical disposal programs.

ABI research director Kevin Burden says for mobile handset vendors “the effort is towards compliance and the trickling down of proven green elements throughout entire product lines.” The report found that regulatory pressures, coupled with corporate and social responsibility, have forced the issue for most manufacturers, many of which have voluntarily phased out toxic substances and other substances known to threaten human health and the environment.

Nokia remaines in first place in Greenpeace's latest edition of the Greener Electronics Guide. However, Greenpeace says the latest edition reveals that very few firms are showing true climate leadership.

Sony Ericsson recently launched GreenHeart phones, which are designed with the product’s life cycle in mind.

In February, Nokia unveiled “Remade” a concept phone made out of aluminum cans, plastic drink bottles, car tires, and other recycled materials

Environment + Energy Leader