Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Upgrades Waste-to-Energy Plant


Yatomi waste-to-energy plantMitsubishi Heavy Industries Environmental & Chemical Engineering will upgrade a waste-to-energy plant in Japan, revamping three stoker furnace type incinerators with a collective processing capacity of 330 tons per day.

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries received the order from the Amachiku Environmental Office Association, an organization encompassing seven municipal entities in southwestern Aichi Prefecture in Japan, for modification work to improve core equipment at the Hachiho Clean Center, a municipal solid waste (MSW) incineration plant in Yatomi City.

The project aims to maintain the plant’s operational functions and extend its operational life. The modification work is slated for completion in March 2018.

The Amachiku Environmental Office Association handles waste and sewage treatment for four local cities, two townships and one village. The Hachiho Clean Center was originally completed in May 2002, with design and construction performed by MHI. The current incineration facilities consist of three stoker furnaces each offering 110 tpd processing capacity and related equipment. Power generation capacity at the plant is 5 MW.

Earlier this month a Suez environnement waste-to-energy plant that has the capacity to recover energy from 269,000 metric tons of waste per year came online in Suffolk, UK.

Environment + Energy Leader