MIT Replacing, Expanding Cogeneration Infrastructure


cogenerationThe Massachusetts Institution of Technology (MIT) is upgrading and expanding its use of cogeneration, according to the university.

MIT has committed to a 32 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. The 21 MW cogeneration platform now providing power electricity, steam heat and chilled water to more than 100 campus buildings is nearing the end of its useful life, the story says. The Central Utilities Plant (CUP) Second Century Project has three goals: Replace the existing cogeneration turbine, install a second turbine and complete a chilled water plant upgrade that started in 2008. Planning for the CUP project began more than ten years ago.

This week, the University of Georgia, the commissioner of the Georgia Public Service Commission and others dedicated a 1 MW solar tracking demonstration project on a 10-acre site owned by the university. It is near the city of Athens.

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