Meet the 100: Brian Payer, Director of Strategy for Industry Solutions - Sphera


The E+E 100 are the VPs, directors, managers and engineers who are making significant strides in driving our industry. See the complete list here or download the report for more detailed information about these leaders. And stay tuned for the upcoming Call for Submissions, when you can nominate your favorite sustainability or energy management professional!

Now, meet Brian Payer, director of strategy for industry solutions with Sphera. Payer works with Sphera’s customers on their environmental performance and responds to their sustainability questions. He helps them conceptualize their systems and select software and tools, and then get the systems implemented. On the creative side, Payer looks at developing the next generation of technology solutions.

What is the biggest challenge you have faced in the last year or two?

Just growth in the economy and in our company. There’s more good work to be done. And we’re trying to keep pace. Our core markets are changing rapidly. They’re having fundamental shifts, especially in oil and gas, chemicals, power and utilities.

How have you addressed that challenge?

Within Sphera it’s hiring the best people, people that are adaptable and hungry to learn. We’ve also taken a laser focus on our customers and what their needs are and tried to develop deep open relationships so we can help them on their journey.

What advice would you give other professionals as they try to accomplish their sustainability or energy management goals?

I would say be agile, so think creatively about your core capabilities and your past experience and how you can adjust that and repackage that and add adjacent sills so you can grow. Things are changing quickly. You have to be able to fine-tune your own skill set and value to keep up.

You must tie into these macro trends. So you make your EHS not just EHS, but you make it part of a digital transformation, or industry 4.0 or process improvement. Tie it into one of these things at the corporate level.

Environment + Energy Leader