Almost simultaneously, separate deals have been struck to power Maryland from major solar and both onshore and offshore wind renewable energy projects.
Maryland, under a state directive to purchase 20 percent of its power from renewables by 2022, has been encouraging the deals.
Constellation Energy Group Inc. is slated to build what is being called one of the nation's largest solar photovoltaic projects in the nation, reports the Baltimore Sun. The state and the University of Maryland system have agreed to purchase electricity from the project under a 20-year power purchase agreement.
Princeton, N.J.-based NRG Bluewater has secured a PPA to provide offshore wind energy to Maryland, reports Delaware Online. Delmarva power also has agreed to buy power from the operation, which is actually located off the coast of Delaware.
Taken together, the state of Maryland government and its university system spend about $165 million a year on electricity, so Governor Martin O'Malley said the state was wielding its buying power to spur forth renewable energy.
So far, there are only about 3 megawatts worth of renewable energy in the state, the Baltimore Sun reports.
The $60 million Constellation Energy project has a 16 MW capacity, according to a press release.
Also in the western part of the state, a 70 MW solar project that was begun by a California company is being taken over by Constellation, according to the Baltimore Sun.
Finally, Maryland also has agreed to purchase electricity from a 55 MW wind farm that is planned near Keyser, W. Virginia. That site is being developed by U.S. Wind Force LLC, Greensburg, Pa., reports the Associated Press, via Google.