Litetronics Announces Cinema Sustainability Program


cinemark09Litetronics International, which provides specialty lighting, has introduced  "Litetronics Energy Efficiency, Sustainability, and Safety Program for Cinemas and Movie Theaters" The program hinges on the company's dimmable, energy-efficient Micro-Brite cold cathode compact fluorescent lamps for cinema and movie theaters that boast an 85 percent decrease in auditorium energy costs.

The 18,000-hour life of the Micro-Brite lamps decreases the need for movie theater technicians to perform a precarious 25-foot climb on stepladders with light-changing poles to change out high ceiling lights. According to Litetronics, the dimmable CCFLs paid for themselves within five months of installation at one of its test cinemas.

"We are excited to push the envelope and see where the technology and experience can take movie-goers," says Litetronics CEO Robert Sorensen.

Cinemark has replaced 11-watt 11S14 incandescent lamps with 2-W Micro-Brite cold cathode fluorescent lamps from Litetronics in its exterior marquees and some interior menu boards.

Environment + Energy Leader