Lilly Meets Energy-Efficiency Goals Ahead of Schedule


Eli Lilly, a global pharmaceutical company, has reached its energy goal two years early, improving its energy intensity (energy used per dollar of sales) by more than 35 percent and cutting its absolute energy use by 5.8 percent from 2004 to 2008. Over the same period, the company also cut its absolute greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 4.4 percent.

Some of Lilly's energy-related projects that have contributed to lower energy use include a co-generation facility at one manufacturing site, lighting retrofits, and installation of high-efficiency chiller systems.

Lilly has set a new reduction target to improve energy efficiency and to reduce related greenhouse gas emissions 15 percent by 2013. To meet the new goal, the company is pursuing energy-efficiency projects and engaging employees to identify opportunities for continued improvement.

Lilly said if it achieves its new 15 percent energy density reduction goal, the company will reduce CO2 emissions by nearly 340,000 metric tons per year. This is equivalent to removing 50,000 mid-sized cars from the road, according to the company.

The company has also announced its new "Energy Day" corporate sustainability effort that is designed to educate employees about the company's latest energy reduction goals and to encourage energy-saving behavior.

Since 2006, the company has invested $23 million in energy and waste reduction projects across the globe. Upon completion of these projects, Lilly estimates that it will save 640,000 mm BTUs of energy and reduce its GHG emissions by nearly 85,000 metric tons.

Lilly's energy reduction efforts are part of the company's overall environmental goals, which also include reductions in water intake and waste to landfill. The company has set a goal to reduce water intake 25 percent by 2013, and to reduce waste disposed in landfills by 40 percent by 2013, both compared to a 2007 baseline.

In 2008, Lilly's total solid waste generation decreased by 9 percent compared with the previous year. Hazardous waste generation increased by 2 percent, and waste recycling decreased by 16 percent.

Environment + Energy Leader