Leviton's Omnistat 3 Checks Into Hotels to Control Room Energy Waste


Leviton - Omnistat3 Hospitality Thermostat - Left AngleLeviton has introduced the Omnistat 3 Hospitality Thermostat, which is customized for guest room energy management. The device has a capacitive touch face and, when paired with the Leviton Lumina RF load controls and sensors, provides guest room control for hospitality rooms and suites.

There is a lot of opportunity to save energy in hotel rooms. Guests often leave without turning down the heat or air conditioning. The Omnistat 3 detects if a room is occupied and adjust heat and cool set points accordingly. It also controls lights, televisions, lamps and other devices. The Omnistat 3 has five on-board relays and meets California Title 24 2013 and ASHRAE Standard 90.1 2010.

THEnergy Sustainable Consulting is calling on hotels and resorts on islands to switch from diesel to solar and wind power. The “Renewable on Islands” drive began in June, according to Renewable Energy Magazine. The consultancy is renewing the call in the wake of the Volkswagen scandal in which diesel engine emission findings were falsified.

Environment + Energy Leader