Lawmakers Introduce Renewable Energy Standards Bill


Two Congressmen introduced the American Renewable Energy Act, which would require 25 percent of the electricity generated in the U.S. to come from renewable sources by 2025, Greentech Media reports.

If passed, the legislation introduced by Reps. Edward Markey, D-Mass., and Todd Platts, R-Pa., would take effect in 2012. Markey also introduced the Energy Efficiency Resource Standard, which would require the nation to cut its power by 15 percent by 2020.

The two bills would create more than 500,000 jobs while saving more than $180 billion in energy costs, said lawmakers.

The renewable energy bills have received praise from the Alliance to Save Energy as well as the Union of Concerned Scientists.

Last summer, Markey introduced bill that would reduce GHG emission levels to 85 percent below 1990 levels.

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