Kimberley-Clark to Boost Use of FSC, Recycled Content 71%


forest-stewardship-council2Facing pressure from Greenpeace, Kimberley-Clark has committed to a new fiber procurement policy. The paper goods company has received Forest Stewardship Council certification for more than 20 away-from-home tissue and towel products, according to a press release. Away-from-home products typically are those used in restaurant and retail establishments.

The move by Kimberley-Clark means that many of the company's suppliers in Canada must become FSC-certified. The goal of the pressure by Greenpeace, which came under the guise of its "Kleercut" campaign, has been to preserve Canada's Boreal forest, according to a press release.

By 2011, all of the company's Canadian Boreal fiber sourcing must be FSC-certified. Additionally, the company is committing to use recycled content or FSC-certified fibers for 40 percent of its North American tissue fiber, representing a 71 percent increase over 2007 levels.

So far, the Forest Stewardship Council has helped set aside 7.5 million acres of the Canadian Boreal forest, preventing logging on the lands.

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