J Crew, JC Penney Score a 'Nice' on Holiday Gift Catalog Scorecard


nice catalogsThe annual Naughty/Nice List holiday gift catalog scorecard shows that 12 of 21 companies earned a "nice" rating for four sustainability related metrics.

Each year, Forest Ethics rates retailers on their gift catalogs and other mailings as judged by the avoidance of paper from endangered forests, the use of Forest Stewardship Council-certified paper, use of recycled content and paper reduction.

Six companies landed in the "checking twice" ratings area and five companies received a "naughty" rating. To view the scorecard, click here (PDF).

Among the "nice" companies, Timberland was lauded for stopping the printing of catalogs altogether and going to an online-only model.

Patagonia was singled out for using the highest percentage of post-consumer recycled product in its catalogs.

Macy's/Bloomingdale's phased out the Bloomingdale's catalog and increased post-consumer recycled content from 10 percent to 30 percent for other catalogs.

Crate & Barrel catalogs are printed entirely on FSC-certified paper, as are those from Williams Sonoma.

JC Penney was praised for cutting out the printing of its so-called "Big Book" catalogs.

Among companies in the "naughty" range, Sears is accused of greenwashing in its paper policy, while Neiman Marcus, Eddie Bauer, Citi and Chase did not respond to the Forest Ethics survey that the report card was based on.

Environmental Leader also reported on the scorecards in 2008, 2007 and 2006.

Below are the "checking twice" and "naughty" companies.


Environment + Energy Leader