ITT Cuts GHG Intensity 51% over Five Years


Over the past five years, ITT's global operations have reduced its overall energy consumption intensity by 31 percent, electricity consumption intensity by 33 percent, and greenhouse gas intensity by 51 percent, including a 46 percent drop from 2007 to 2009. The global high-tech manufacturer also has reduced its generation of hazardous waste by 46 percent over the same time period.

ITT has committed to a further reduction in its consumption of electricity, natural gases, water and waste by fifteen percent over the next five years.

ITT's priorities for 2009-2010, as noted in its 2008-2009 corporate responsibility report, include purchasing renewable energy wherever it is locally available, conducting a study for additional renewable energy opportunities in 2010, and identifying additional opportunities for energy savings in all major manufacturing facilities.

ITT also plans to appoint a corporate sustainability leader to coordinate global efforts, identify opportunities and share best practices.

ITT's CEO is among the 97 executives from leading U.S. companies that recently shared some of their best sustainability initiatives in the Business Roundtables' annual report.

ITT's 2009-2010 corporate responsibility report will be released in fall 2010.

Environment + Energy Leader