IT: Software Has A Role In Energy Efficiency


computer_screen.jpgSoftware makers should position themselves to compete in non-IT-related areas where there is high power consumption and carbon output, Ovum research director Warren Wilson tells

The data required to effectively manage energy consumption and carbon output is not yet readily available, and this is where Ovum, a software, telecom and IT services consultancy, thinks software can play a role.

Since the focus on the efficiency of data centers has been on the reduction of power consumption, Wilson says software makers such as Microsoft and Oracle are in a good position to help reduce carbon emissions among companies that use their products.

IBM announced new energy-management software to help clients establish energy efficiency goals, optimize for energy efficiency and measure and verify their green IT progress across the enterprise. And EPS is developing xChange Point to enable companies to track their energy usage and CO2 emissions at the product level, plant level and corporate level.

Microsoft is working with the Clinton Foundation to develop technology tools that will let cities monitor, compare and reduce their greenhouse gas emissions.

Environment + Energy Leader