IT Leaders' Green-Tech Predictions for 2009


green_technology.jpgInfoWorld's Ted Samson recently asked IT leaders to share their green-tech predictions for 2009. Most said economic and political conditions will continue to embrace greener practices, albeit sometimes at a slower pace.

Robert Aldrich, director of data center solutions at Cisco, predicts that green IT in the U.S. market will be replaced by more concise, definable concepts in the mainstream media, such as energy equivalents, and that the first generation of IP-based energy management applications will be released from many major IT vendors.

Lewis Curtis, infrastructure architect and advisor at Microsoft, predicts that sustainability projects that positively impact the bottom line in the short term will be moved to the front of line, while those that don't have immediate impact will be delayed.

Steve Sams, vice president of site and facilities services at IBM Global Technology Services, says organizations must look at three things during the economic slump: extending the life of their data center, rationalizing end-to-end data center infrastructure, and utilizing modular and scalable approaches when building a new data center. IBM says its new modular data centers can slash energy costs by up to 50 percent.

More predictions from IT leaders from AMD, Dell,  Forrester Research, Intel, the Green Grid, and Sun Microsystems can be found here.

Green IT will weather the recession according to a new research by Forrester.

Environment + Energy Leader