Ilios Launches Efficient Water Heater


Ilios Dynamics, a subsidiary of Tecogen Inc., has announced the commercial availability of the Ilios High Efficiency Water Heater.

The water heater extracts energy from the atmosphere and pumps this heat to useful temperatures.  Waste heat from the natural gas engine is captured and repurposed, adding to the unit's capacity and efficiency, Ilios says.

It can produce 400,000 to 600,000 BTU per hour of hot water; a suitable capacity for commercial domestic hot water, process hot water or space heating in commercial buildings and manufacturing facilities, according to Ilios.

Ilios is aiming the product at mid-sized hotels, swimming pools, nursing homes, hospitals, health clubs, student dormitories, universities, residential buildings, recreation centers, commercial buildings, and waterparks.

Traditional water heaters use up so much energy that Pacific Northwest utility Bonneville Power Administration has started using them, in conjunction with space heaters, to use up excess electricity.

The agency’s wind farms are currently leaving it with a surplus of energy which it is then sending to centrally controlled heaters in peoples homes.

Environment + Energy Leader