Hybrid Wastewater Treatment Process Uses 90% Less Energy


avkofloatAkvo Technologies has developed akvoFloat, a flotation-filtration water treatment process for industrial wastewater treatment that uses up to 90 percent less energy than comparable technologies.

Based on the company’s proprietary flotation-filtration process, akvoFloat combines the akvola MicroBubble Generator and a ceramic membrane filtration system in a single unit to remove oil, algae and suspended solids in wastewater. The system’s compact design takes up 20 percent less space than conventional technologies.

The system removes 99 percent of oil and grease, 99 percent of suspended solids and 99.99 percent of algae. It is the only system that is able to react dynamically to changing influent conditions by adjusting the amount and size of the microbubbles produced by the MicroBubble Generator.


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