The US Department of Energy (DOE) is offering a webinar to explain its Building Energy Asset Score to energy efficiency service companies.
The Asset Score is a free, web-based software tool developed by DOE and the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) that assesses the physical and structural energy efficiency of commercial and multifamily buildings.
According to the Building Energy Asset Score FAQs page, the Asset Score is not intended as a replacement for building energy usage benchmarking or building energy audits conducted by engineers.
Rather, the Asset Score is intended to be complementary to Energy Star Portfolio Manager. A Portfolio Manager score enables the comparison of buildings based on their energy consumption, as indicated by actual energy bills. The Portfolio Manager score reflects the energy efficiency of a building’s physical structure and its systems, as well as how efficiently it is operated and maintained. The Asset Score reflects the energy efficiency of a building based solely on its design, construction, and energy systems. The Asset Score normalizes for operational and occupancy factors, enabling users to identify specific opportunities to invest in energy upgrades. Using both tools gives users information that can inform both energy upgrades and improvements in building operations.
The Asset Score has already been used, or is in the process of being used, on more than 600 buildings nationwide, says DOE.