Earlier it had been predicted that the House may not vote on climate legislation until August at the earliest. Now, however, the climate legislation may be on the fast track, with a vote to come perhaps in June or July.
House leaders reportedly are setting strict deadlines for various House panels to review the legislation.
House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Charles Rangel said his panel has been given until June 19 to review the bill - which numbers about 1,000 pages, according to Reuters.
Rangel said it's unclear what changes his panel may recommend regarding tax- and trade-related components.
As for its contribution to the bill, the House Science and Technology Committee is debating the creation of a federal climate control agency. The goal would be to forecast climate change and warn the public about changes in climate and weather.
The House Agriculture Committee may pose an obstacle to passage of the bill. Chairman Collin Peterson said the bill must address farm-state concerns over the Environmental Protection Agency proposal on ethanol and other biofuels, and whether safeguards for farm emissions would be included.
The Senate reportedly is laying the groundwork for its version of climate legislation.