Hotel Installs 10 kW Micro-Cogeneration System


10KW unitEnerSave was awarded a contract to supply and install two Yanmar 10 kW micro-cogeneration units at the Wilshire Grand Hotel in West Orange, New Jersey.

Cogeneration is the use of one fuel to generate two forms of energy, in this case electricity and hot water. The Yanmar natural gas engine is the heart of the unit. In addition to generating electricity, heat is captured from the engine jacket and exhaust to produce an overall conversion efficiency of 85 percent. This compares to a typical central generation plant efficiency of 30-35 percent, according to EnerSave.

The hot water produced by the Yanmar units will be used in the hotel laundry and for domestic hot water, essentially eliminating the consumption of natural gas in the existing hot water boilers.

New Jersey and New York encourage the development of cogeneration systems with rebates to defray a major portion of the installed cost.

Micro-cogeneration units are compact in size, and are a good fit for hotels, apartment buildings and health clubs that want to reduce their energy costs.

Environment + Energy Leader