Honeywell has launched a climate ticker that tracks how many million tons of CO2 equivalent emissions are saved through the adoption of Solstice products, Honeywell’s low-global-warming-potential (GWP) materials.
The company says increasing global adoption of its range of GWP products will reduce global greenhouse gas emissions by an equivalent of 475 million metric tons of carbon dioxide by 2025.
Honeywell launches the climate ticker this week as it and 67 other major companies joined the White House-led American Business Act on Climate Pledge.
Honewell says these new projections represent an increase of 36 percent over projections the company made a year ago when it committed to reducing the production of high-GWP hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) used in applications ranging from refrigeration to air conditioning to aerosols.
In September 2014, Honeywell said it would increase production of its low-GWP refrigerants, insulation materials, aerosols and solvents, and, prior to 2020, would drive a 50 percent reduction in its annual production of high-GWP hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) on a CO2 equivalent basis. In the past year, Honeywell shipped enough low-GWP Solstice products to replace HFCs with 10 million metric tons of CO2 equivalent.
Honeywell and its suppliers are in the middle of a $900 million investment program in R&D and new capacity to produce next-generation refrigerants, insulation materials, aerosols and solvents, which have global warming potentials equal to or better than carbon dioxide and at least 99 percent lower than most technologies used today. Honeywell and its suppliers have invested nearly $500 million to date.