HITECH Unveils Power Pro UPS Series


hitechHITECH Power Protection has introduced the Power PRO series. The UPS is optimized for mission critical facilities for loads exceeding 1.5 MVA. The company says that it offers a 20 percent energy consumption improvement, presumably over the previous version of the product.

The new product offers a 17 percent smaller footprint and a battery-free design aimed at increasing reliability, reducing space requirements and minimizing environmental impact. It also features an updated and intuitive communications and system monitoring.

RoseWater Energy used the CEDIA Expo 2015 to introduce its Energy Storage Hub. CEPro describes it as “a giant UPS for residential or small commercial applications” with much added. Those extra features, according to the story, is the production of clean power, the ability to be recharged from renewables, zero transfer time, two power output options, fast payback and “massive” surge protection capabilities.

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