Half Of U.S. Driving Less, Taking Fewer In-town Trips


driving habitsIn what that may be a boon to e-commerce, and bad news for brick-and-mortar retailers, half of American drivers report driving less than usual and taking fewer trips within town, according to new research from the Harris Poll.

About 29 percent of drivers said they have made no change to their driving habits, according to a press release.

Harris Poll surveyed nearly 2,200 adult U.S. car owners in September, asking about their driving habits.

About 18 percent said they walked more than usual, while 11 percent reported using more public transportation. Another 8 percent said they bicycled more than usual.

The survey also asked whether the "Cash for Clunkers" program had any effect on them.

About 8 percent of those surveyed said they bought a new car during the Cash for Clunkers program.

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